Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kehidupan: Everything

Assalamualaikum! Today I just want to talk about everything! Everyyyyyything!

It's been soooooo long since the last post. I'm sorry but I've been busy lately with my FTI Islamic Store Projects. Andddddddd maybe, maybe there will no longer islamic post on this blog after this.

Say whatttttt?!

Relax brother, brother relax.

Umm, aaaa, how should I say this?

I'm thinking to focus on From The Inside. I mean, I have an idea to make that as an important brand in DnT. Like HAS, Langit Ilahi and so on.

So the first step is what I've been busy doing it right now. FTI Islamic Store. The good news for me is, it's well running. And the good news for you is, I'm thinking to put FTI Islamic store's product in every University in Malaysia. Starting with Usim, Unimas, Uia, Ums, Upsi and Uitm. So I will choose one person per Univeraity that I know well enough to join this team.

"Irkam ma'ana!"


Enough with the first project. So the second project is, *drumroll*.

This is the reason that I will stop all the Islamic post in this blog.

For the first year I'm studying in UMS, I want to find a student who is semipro in IT. Who can design me a website such as Langitilahi.com.

Then, the hunting of a good Islamic blogger will begin. May the odd will ever be in your favour.

So, this is the important things that I have to do in my first year of study.

I don't know who you are, but if you have what it takes, I will hunt you! Muahahaha! *Evil lough*


The next year is still a secret. Heheh. What? You should pray that this plan will work so that you can know the next project isn't? So pray! For me. :p


Oh, about raya thingy. I don't know if my generation or it's just me that don't like to visit friends or family. I just did that every year simply because my parents. Not because I want it.

If it's on my own will, that must be because it's an open house. So I can come, show my face, eat a little bit and then gone! I just hate to talk with neighbours or family or friends that I barely know.

I don't know if I got married what will happen when we're celebrating raya. If my wife can't convince me to visit her family, I guess I'll be sleeping for the whole day. Kedah is really far you know?



The only thing I like about raya is baju baru. Because I only buy new shirt for every raya. IT MEANS 2-3 HELAI FOR EVERY YEAR!

Believe it or not, I don't have enough casual shirts to wear when I go out. You'll probably just see me in the same shirt.

Round neck T-shirt? I have lots of them. But doesn't it a bit of selekeh?


The next thing of everything today is about my study. Last night just had a conversation with my dad.

And because my Islamic finance study is just 3 years, I repeat 3 years! I decided to continue for Master. InsyaAllah.

But still, after degree, I'm gonna grab a women to complete half of my deen. Eheh.


Tons of planning. One way. Must act!



  1. gua syak, gua nak join lah lu buat ni :)

    1. Hahaha, jangan risau. Blogger indi yang haybat stakat ni tak ramai yg aku kenal. Tulis lah bebanyak bagi aku puas hati :p

  2. All the best in your studies and upcoming projects :) i know you're gonna be a good business man! insyaAllah. dont stop dreaming! May Allah reward you with success. Amin.

    Move forward. Live your dream. Be a true muslim :)

    1. Awwwhh. Haha. Goodluck to you too! Find a way to study in aussie! Lol.
